UsPolyethylene films and Polythene Sheet Manufacturers
We, AV Packaging Industries, Coimbatore, India, (An ISO 9001:2005 Certified Company) have been involved in the specialized production of technically advanced blown Polyethylene films and Polythene Sheets. Today we are one of the leading manufacturers of flexible polyethylene-based packaging. We are supplying our products throughout Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
We put our strength and our steadfast growth down to the way we embrace and apply pioneering technologies, the way we inspire advances in our processes and the investment we continue to make in our people. We’re committed to innovation and delivering outstanding products that make a winning difference to our customers’ operations and we’re determined to remain at the forefront of this dynamic industry.
SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONSWith this ever-increasing focus on recycling, we are able to offer a range of sustainable packaging solutions that are tailored specifically to your requirements and pack formats.

Renewable packaging
It’s easy to dismiss complicated laminated structures as being ‘eco-nightmares’, but we can limit the impact of these films on our environment by using renewable films as part of the structure. Contact us and we’ll be pleased to talk through the options available.
Agricultural Solutions
We have a range of products that can be used for Agricultural activities, they are manufactured from renewable resins that are fully compostable and degradable. Again, talk to us about how these products can help you support your own sustainability vision.

Post-Consumer Waste
We have developed a range of films using resin that contains up to 50% PCW. Best of all, by using Circular Compound resins we are helping to reduce the amount of plastic in the environment. Please contact us to know more.
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